Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Teaser Tuesday (16 August)

Teaser Tuesday is a bookish sharing experience hosted by ShouldBeReading, in which participants share two sentences from their current read(s) -- or more, if they're not much for rules.

His mind was whitehot with visions, and he vibrated like a harp to his own versions of Pinky's yarns. There was a place without these scorching summers that fried the meat on your bones; there was a place where banks didn't close and panics didn't reach, where they had no rules and regulations a man had to live by. You stood on your own two feet and to hell with the rest of the world.

p. 84, The Big Rock Candy Mountain. Wallace Stegner. 


  1. I like it!

    Here's mine:


  2. That's a terrific quote! And it sounds like a great place...

    My teaser is here.

  3. Interesting teaser, and I dig the stuff you're reviewing on the site.

    Mine is here: http://eyesandearsblog.blogspot.com/2011/08/teaser-tuesday_16.html

  4. Excellent teaser! I love Stegner's writing. And I can definitely sympathize about the scorching summers.


Thank you for visiting! Because of some very clever spambots, I've had to start moderating comments more strictly, but they're approved throughout the day.