Thursday, August 4, 2011

Booking through Thursday: Anticipation

Booking through Thursday doth inquire:

What’s the last book you were really EXCITED to read?
And, were you excited about it in advance? Or did the excitement bloom while you were reading it?
Are there any books you’re excited about right NOW?

I'm a picky reader, so barring school-related items every book I read is one I wanted to read. However, there are books which I looked forward to for a long time before finally getting to sink my teeth into -- like The Age of Absurdity and The Third Chimpanzee by Jared Diamond, the latter being a recent read.  I'd looked forward to the Diamond novel for years -- possibly since 2007.  Currently, I'm reading Seven Ages of Paris, which I've been itching to read for a year now, and Watching the Clock, a Star Trek novel by Christopher L. Bennett. He's become a favorite Trek author in the last year or so.

As far as books I'm currently looking forward to, I still have most of the Sharpe's series to explore. There are a few more Trek books coming out this year, and last night I stumbled upon a German-language translation of the first Harry Potter novel (Harry Potter Und der Stein der Weisen), which seems an appropriate way to rebuild my German reading skills.

1 comment:

  1. Harry Potter in German - is there a better way to refresh?

    I already posted mine but remembered the anticipation of waiting for the release of the Harry Potter books and realized I probably don't have another book that compares to that!

    My Bookshelf


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