Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Oktoberfest and Octoberfright

Well, dear readers, it's October again.  I'll be opening with a nod to German history, this time with a WW2 emphasis as I'm trying to address my TBR pile of doom.  I'm sure it will go down smoothly  with a Bavarian beverage or two. Then I'll be shifting into mystery and horror as we approach Halloween, with the hope -- fingers crossed -- of finishing Frankenstein.  

Previous "Octoberfest" reads:
A Mighty Fortress: A New History of the German People,  Steven Ozment
German Resistance to Hitler, Peter Hoffman
The Lady from Zagreb, Philip Kerr (Fiction)
They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933 - 1945, Milton Mayer
If the Dead Rise Not Philip Kerr (Fiction)
Germany: Unraveling an Enigma, Paul Nees

Previous "Octoberfright" reads, all fiction:
Dracula, Bram Stoker
World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War, Max Brooks
Night of the Living Trekkies,  Kevin David Anderson
Carrie, Stephen King
Christine, Stephen King


  1. Frankenstein really impressed me.... I guess it isn't having the same effect on you?

  2. I really haven't made a serious attempt to read it, but for the last two years I briefly considered it, then read Dracula or something else.

  3. night of the living trekkies????? that had to be a winner... didn't it?

    1. Definitely the funniest "horror" book I've ever read...it's about a zombie outbreak (caused by an alien parasite) that happens at a Star Trek convention.

  4. I didn't really like Frankenstein, but I know that's a minority opinion. :D Looking forward to your thoughts on it!

    1. As arguably the first SF novel, it certainly bears reading!


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