Thursday, September 16, 2010

Booking through Thursday: Day and Night

Booking through Thursday asks:  Do you divide your books into day and night reads? How do you decide?

Although I don't think of books in terms of "day" and "night" readings, I distinguish between books I can read in public, or outside the house, and books I should keep indoors. Day readings -- books I take with me to work, to classes, and even to lunch in case I can't find anyone to dine with -- are small, lighter reads that I can easily keep at my side without too much getting in the way. I'm not going to haul Our Oriental Heritage around with me, for instance: instead, I keep meatier books on my coffee table or beside my bed, and when I do my evening reading I go to them. This is why I often read two books at a time.  


  1. I mostly read one book at a time. But, the small paperback books are much easier to carry in a purse, when not at home.

  2. I divide books by size, too. If it's too big to fit in my handbag, it only gets read in the evenings at home.

  3. I hadn't thought of it that way - this could open up new possibilites for me!

  4. For me, the scary ones are to be read during day time. Light reads in the evening. =)

  5. I usually have more than one book going at a time, too. Always have one with me in the car in case I have a few minutes to read!

  6. smart. I don't think I've ever consciously thought about size when I grab a book unless I'm going on vacation. I usually just lugg big books around with me all day because that's what I'm reading. I might have to follow your example.

  7. In addition to Day & Night I also have Out & In books. It's not about size though, I'll just carry a bigger bag, but it is about how much time & attention I'll be able to put into my reading when I'm out that determines what I bring. How frustrating to have a totally engrossing book & only 10 minutes to read it!

  8. I don't divide my books by day or night. Here is my answer for Booking Through Thursday.

  9. I usually read one book at a time so I don't divide my books. To see my full answer visit me at


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