Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Top Ten Books on Ye Olde Spring TBR

I forgot it was Tuesday...but it is, and that means it's time for top ten Tuesday, hosted by that Artsy Reader Girl!

1. The Magnificent Nine
Jaaaaayne! The man they call Jaaaaaaayne! He apparently has a  daughter also named Jaaaaaaane!

2. Defending Boyhood, Anthony Esolen

3.To Rule the Waves: How the British Navy Shaped the Modern World, Arthur Herman.  Scheduled for my annual April-long Read of England.    

4. A Bright Future: How Some Countries Have Solved Climate Change and the Rest Can Follow, Joshua Goldstein.  

5.  The Vicar of Wakefield,  Oliver Goldsmith. Another RoE hopeful, as well as an entry on my Classics Club reading list.

6. Street Smart: The Rise of Cities and the Fall of Cars, Samuel Schwartz 

7. The Time Traveler's Guide to Restoration England, Ian Mortimer

8. A Brief History of Life in the Middle Ages,  Martyn Whittock

9. Star Trek: Elusive Salvation. Aliens in the Artic, circa 1845! 

10. Epicurus and the Pleasant Life,  Haris Dimitriadis


  1. #9 sounds mind-blowing! re #4, the only one i can think of is Bhutan, more or less...

  2. The Magnificent Nine sounds like a great read.

    My Top Ten Tuesday post.

  3. I'll look forward to your review of the Goldstein book. It'll be interesting to see how some have *solved* Global Warming! Some of the most recent books on the subject are quite apocalyptic!

    1. I know it includes in part nuclear energy, which is one of the reasons I went for the book.

  4. There are Firefly books? How did I not know that? That sounds great.

    1. Yep! Since Oct 2017, anyway. This is the second in the series. The author does a good job capturing the character's voices.

  5. The cover of Street Smart is so cool. I hope you enjoy all of these.

    Tina @ As Told By Tina

    1. Thank you! Enjoy yours, too, especially that Aladdin book. :)

  6. I haven't heard of any of these, but I hope you love them when you get to them.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

  7. An interesting group of books. I think that I would like to read them all. To Rule the Waves sounds particularly good. I plan to start reading some books about the British Empire soon and this looks like it would fit in well.

    1. In a week or so I'll post a few more books of interest in that category!

  8. As always, an interesting and well-rounded list! I'll be eagerly awaiting your review of To Rules the Waves.


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