Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Exciting news!

By July 9th,  Reading Freely should be available at the domain I purchased a few months back, ReadingFreely.com.     The transition will mark a big change here, as I plan on redirecting site traffic from thisweekatthelibrary.blogspot.com to the "new" site, which is actually my Wordpress backup in the event that Google turns to evil.  I update the backup periodically every month or so, and will do so again when I've posted this.    Once we're live,  people can still comment without registration -- we'll have to see how Wordpress handles the bots --  and  there will be no advertisements.    Wordpress has been paid off, so it should be free of that kind of intrusion.  Personally, I'm excited about the jump, though I've a bit of work to do beforehand,  as the Wordpress site will be expanding from simply being a backup to having its own content -- and not just book  reviews, as in January I mentioned I'm wanting to include a bit of writing about the pursuit of a meaningful life, as I used to in college when I was trying to figure everything out.  I think I've got a better handle on the basics these days, but the world is constantly changing and merits investigation as to how we adapt.   We're not finished here yet -- there will be reviews posted before it all goes live, I'm sure -- but I will post additional updates as the day grows near.


  1. will this be for a limited clientele?

    1. Oh, no! Open to everyone, just like this. I've adjusted comments there so that you don't need to put in an email address or anything, just type your name. I think Google accounts can be used, as well.

  2. Looking forward to the new site and content! I've been debating switching to Wordpress as well. Apart from the dubiousness of Google, I don't really like the mobile layouts in Blogger.

    1. One of the appeals of wordpress is that ultimately I'll have more options for how to add on to the site. I do wish they'd add plugin use to other plans than the business ones, though.


Thank you for visiting! Because of some very clever spambots, I've had to start moderating comments more strictly, but they're approved throughout the day.