Sunday, October 8, 2017

This again

In about eight hours the business end of  Hurricane Nate should roll through my county.  Seemingly all of downtown will be closed tomorrow, as we're expecting much more impact from this than from Irma -- in part because it's headed straight for us,  and because we're on the right side of the storm. Apparently, that's where all the tornado action is.  Here's hoping for another wash-out, but I wouldn't bet on it!    Just in case there's a power outage, I have a review of Gulag Archipelago (volume II) scheduled.


  1. When does the season end? Soon, I hope!!!

  2. Officially, it ends on Nov 30. Sept is the peak because the Atlantic has been cooking all summer. During that crazy season seasons or ten years ago when there were more storms than letters in the alphabet, I think there was one in Dec.

  3. Hopefully all is OK where you are. It has been a bad year for storms.

  4. Stephen,

    Let us hope that all turns out well for you.

  5. Stephen, I hope all is well in your town. We had no problems here. Well, there was one problem: I somehow “killed” my blog while fussing with Blogger; I will revive it somehow soon, under new http address. For now I will ramble around blogs like yours as a visitor. Best wishes from the coast, Tim

    1. Glad to know you are safe!

      The storm seems to have died rather dramatically once it started pushing into Alabama -- by 10 am it was already just a depression with 30 MPH winds. We received a lot of wind and I saw a few limbs fall, but nothing major. Dodged another one!

    2. Stephen, I hope all future storms will be as benign as Nate. BTW, here is my new blog address (which is slightly different from the previous version), and the new posting.

    3. Glad to know your blog has been 'recalled to live', to borrow from Dickens!

  6. it looks like New Orleans is going to get hit again, also... well, if you have to, run for the hills, the dam is bust... good luck...

    1. I survived very well, but I'm afraid a couple of my roses were blown right off. They just bloomed yesterday, too!


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