Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Volcanoes in Human History

As with Earthquakes in Human History, this is exactly as it describes itself. A mix of science and history, the authors begin with an explanation of volcanic activity before moving on to cover a few key eruptions. Volcanoes illustrate that the world is constantly remaking itself, forming and destroying islands as the years go by. Like "Earthquakes", "Volcanoes" is most commendable as a collection of the immediate impact of various eruptions, supplemented by scientific explanations. The most 'far-reaching' effect of a volcanic explosion documented here are the disruption of weather patterns across the northern hemisphere; twice in the 19th century, 'summer' practically never came, with famines ensuing.


  1. When I lived among volcanoes -- Iceland and Hawaii and Philippines -- I was only slightly nervous. I'm glad volcanoes are not part of the Gulf coast life. But hurricanes are a pain in the ass!

  2. The only good thing about living inland is that by the time they reach me, they've usually degraded to a tropical storm. Hurricane Ivan was an exception, though.


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